Occultist with 14 years experience, Jyotish (Vedic) and Western Astrologer.
Select your option
1-1 Instructional (30) minutes
This is a one on one with me personally to teach you about any occult subject of your choice. Inform me the subject you want to learn and include a way of contact. This specific time frame is meant to learn the fundamentals of a subject.
1-1 Instruction (1 hour/60 mins)
This is a one on one with me personally to teach you about any occult subject of your choice. Inform me the subject you want to learn and include a way of contact. This specific time frame is meant to obtain a more detailed and understanding of a subject.
Black Moon Lilith Reading
I will translate your Black Moon Lilith placement and how to work with it to gain the most from it.
Natal Astrology Chart Reading
Via: Audio or Video
One Astrology Question
Ask about any sector of your life or an astrological placement. Include your Birthdate/Birthplace/Birthtime
Astrology Placement Analysis
Tell me any astrological placement you want me to analyze and translate what it means, and how to work with it.
Important Planet(s) Analysis
I will reveal to you the most important planet(s) in your astrological placements, how to strengthen them, and how to make the most of their influence. Make sure to including your Birthplace, Birth Time and Date.
Meeting Spouse Analysis
If you want to know the circumstances, specifics, and themes of when you have met your spouse figure. This uses a Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) technique.
Shani Dev(Saturn) Reading
This in-depth analysis includes evaluating Saturn in your placements, how He is affecting you, the most ideal measures to do to satisfy Him, when Saturn return will be and Sade Sahti, and how to better understand Saturn.